Home -> Cluj Transport -> Search

You've looked for: Trams Tatra T4 in Cluj.
Found 7 results.
All vehicles on this page are from: Magdeburg.
Trams of this type were seen on lines: 100(1), 101(5), 102(1).
See also vehicles of this type from: Arad(101), Botosani(28), Brasov(11), Bucharest(106), Craiova(25), Galati(22), Iasi(51), Oradea(46).
Pictures per row: [2] [3] [4] [5]
Picture donated by: Celestin Draganescu & Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Tram Tatra T4 on line Dp
August 12, 2006
(other 2 pics with 62)
Picture donated by: Celestin Draganescu & Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Tram Tatra T4 on line Dp
August 12, 2006
(other pic with 65)
Picture donated by: Attila Zsiros
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Tram Tatra T4 on line 101
June 16, 2005
Picture donated by: Celestin Draganescu & Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Tram Tatra T4 on line Dp
August 12, 2006
(other pic with 068)
Picture donated by: Celestin Draganescu & Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Tram Tatra T4 on line 101
August 12, 2006
(other pic with 68)
Picture donated by: Celestin Draganescu & Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

69 and 069
Tram Tatra T4 on line Dp
August 12, 2006
(other 2 pics with 69 and 069)
Picture donated by: Cristina Albu & Radu Czech
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

Tram Tatra T4 on line 101
July 16, 2006
(other 3 pics with 70)